BEaTS Research Radio's Podcast
Each week on BEaTS Research Radio at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, early-career scientists and investigators deep dive into the ever-changing, rapidly evolving world of Science in one-on-one conversations with some of the planet's most brilliant Scientists, breaking down the science in terms you can understand
BEaTS Research Radio's Podcast
Episódio 152 BEaTS Research Radio - Medicina regenerativa para tratar doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes (Dr. Sara Vasconcelos)
BEaTS Research Radio
Season 1
Episode 152
Neste episódio especial, o Dr. Vasconcelos fala sobre terapia celular em doenças cardíacas, os desafios de desenvolver tratamentos eficazes para diabetes e o uso da tecnologia 'heart-on-a-chip', além de conselhos importantes para futuros pesquisadores!