BEaTS Research Radio's Podcast

Special Episode - The Good Virus (uOttawa SciComm 2023)

December 05, 2023 BEaTS Research Radio Season 1 Episode 162

Hannah Deyell from the University of Ottawa interviews Dr. Adam Rudner on his current research and experience. Dr. Adam Rudner is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa in the Department of  Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, a member of the SEA-PHAGES and SEA-GENES programs, and the coordiantor of uOttawa Phage Hunters. The primary research focuses of Dr. Rudner's team are exploring the potential applications for baceteriophage therapy, building essential research skills, and exploring bacteriophages with interesting genomic sequences. In this episode, Dr. Rudner explores how bacteriophages can target antibiotic resistance for patients with disseminated bacterial infections, how his lab is working to increase the pool of available phages, and how personalized medicine can be used to improve patient outcomes with phage therapy. 

Learn more:

00:00  | Introduction
01:00  |  Dr. Adam Rudner's recent research focuses and ongoing projects 
02:13  |  The roles of bacteriophages and how they function to treat bacterial infections
03:04  |  Advantages of bacteriophage therapy over tradtional antibiotics in the context of antibiotic resistance 
04:13  |  Challenges associated with research related to bacteriophages / limitations of bacteriophage therapy 
05:44  |  Primary motivators for using engineered bacteriophages as a treatment for 15-year old cystic fibrosis patient
07:51  |  The purpose of engineering bacteriophages to effectively treat the patient
10:23  |  The undergraduate SEA-PHAGES Program 
11:48  |  Dr. Adam Rudner's research advice to undergraduate students 
13:17  |  Conclusion

Credits for music: Soundtracks by the Underground Drive. All rights reserved. Listen more